Hofstra Law Faculty Experts
To schedule interviews with Hofstra Law faculty, contact Ginny Greenberg, Senior Director, Communications Marketing and Communications, by calling 516-463-6819 or by email.
Adoption, same-sex marriage and adoption, family law, marriage, divorce
Business, Corporate and Securities Law
- J. Scott Colesanti
Financial markets, Dow Jones, New York Stock Exchange, securities laws - Ronald J. Colombo
Federal Reserve, subprime mortgage crisis, monopolies, competition, free trade, cartels, mergers and acquisitions, price gouging, business organizations, securities laws, contracts - Linda Galler
Corporate taxation - Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Economic crisis, recession, depression, financial markets, monopolies, competition, free trade, cartels, mergers and acquisitions, price gouging, CEO corruption, brokerage houses, banks, mortgages, foreclosures, corporate free speech, securities laws - Miriam R. Lyman
Corporate and securities law, contract law, business organizations, business planning, business drafting, mergers and acquisitions
Children’s rights, children’s advocacy, custody issues, juvenile justice, immigrant children matters, child welfare system, children involved in sexual abuse, physical abuse, neglect
Collaborative Law, Mediation and Arbitration
- Robert A. Baruch Bush
Mediation, conflict resolution, arbitration, alternative dispute resolution - J. Scott Colesanti
Business arbitration, arbitrator for the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority - Andrew Schepard
Collaborative law, mediation in family matters, conflict resolution, arbitration
Constitutional Law
Constitutional law, governmental authority, presidential power, foreign policy, federalism, state’s rights, civil rights/liberties.
Consumer Rights
Consumer rights, consumer protection, consumer laws, consumer risks
Copyright; Intellectual Property
Copyright, intellectual property, library issues, Internet issues
Criminal Justice; Forensic Evidence; DNA Evidence
- Alafair S. Burke
Criminal law and sentencing, criminal procedure, prosecutorial policies, community policing, non-punitive responses to crime, domestic violence - Robin Charlow
Criminal law - Stefan Krieger
Evidence, evidence at trial, admissibility of evidence, applied evidence - Ellen C. Yaroshefsky
Criminal Justice
Death Penalty
- Eric M. Freedman
Death penalty, torture, habeas corpus, Guantanamo Bay issues
Defamation, false claims, libel, slander
Disability Rights
Disability rights, Americans with Disabilities Act, employment discrimination
Domestic Violence
Domestic violence, prosecution of batterers, defense of battered women, criminal law and sentencing, criminal procedure, prosecutorial policies, community policing, non-punitive responses to crime
Environmental Law
Global warming, environment, energy, “green” issues, governmental response to climate change
- Janet L. Dolgin
Medical ethics, bioethics, health care laws, stem cell research - Linda Galler
Ethics and professional regulation of tax practice - Theo Liebmann
- James Sample
Judicial ethics - Ellen C. Yaroshefsky
Legal Ethics
First Amendment
- Ronald J. Colombo
Corporate speech, free exercise rights - Robin Charlow
- Akilah N. Folami
Free speech and free press rights - Eric M. Freedman
- Julian Ku
First Amendment issues, civil rights/liberties, Freedom of Speech, Freedom of Religion
Health Care
- Janet L. Dolgin
Health Care, health care plans, health insurance, health care disparities, uninsured, under-insured
Housing Rights
Landlord-tenant issues, renter’s rights, low-income housing
Human Rights
Human rights, international human rights, international law, foreign policy
- Theo Liebmann
Immigrant youth and unaccompanied minors - Lauris Wren
Asylum cases, refugees, human rights, immigration laws post 9/11
International Law
International law, foreign policy, conflict of laws, international family law
- Akilah N. Folami
Internet, new media, communications law, online privacy, ownership of media, content regulation
Judges, judicial power, Supreme Court judges, Supreme Court history, Supreme Court power
Legal History
- Eric M. Freedman
Colonial and constitutional period - Norman I. Silber
20th century, oral history
LGBTQIA+ Issues; Same-Sex Marriage
LGBTQIA+ issues, same-sex marriage, same-sex adoption, gender issues, discrimination, employment discrimination
Marriage and Divorce
Marriage, divorce, domestic partnerships, children’s rights, custody, alimony, parental responsibility
Politics; Government; Elections
- Eric Lane
Government, municipal law, term limits, legislative processes, constitutional law, New York City governments/politics, New York City charter revision - Stefan Krieger
Election laws, voting rights, voters turned away - James Sample
Voting rights, campaign finance, government
Presidential Power
Presidential power, terrorism, homeland security, torture laws, Guantanamo Bay
Real Estate and Land Use Policy
- Stefan Krieger
Real estate law, property laws, landlord rights, tenant rights, housing discrimination
Religion; Separation of Church and State
- Robin Charlow
Religion and the law, Constitutional Law - Ronald J. Colombo
Religion and the law, Establishment and free exercise clause jurisprudence - Janet L. Dolgin
- Daniel J.H. Greenwood
Religion and the law, religious rights - Jennifer A. Gundlach
Religion, separation of church and state in public schools
Reproductive Rights
- Janet L. Dolgin
Reproductive rights and technology, bioethics, health care issues - Barbara Stark
Supreme Court
Supreme Court, Supreme Court justices, judges, judicial power, presidential power, Supreme Court history, Supreme Court power, constitutional law
Taxes, income tax, tax on wealthy, capital gains, inheritance taxes, tax on gifts, taxation of corporations
Terrorism; Homeland Security
Terrorism, homeland security, torture laws, Guantanamo Bay, presidential power
Wills, Trusts and Estates
Wills, trusts, estates, distribution of property and assets