Public Service Career Support
In addition to offering specialized advice and counseling, the director of public service career planning assists students in obtaining both internships and post-graduate positions in public service, including through a variety of on-campus interviews and job fairs. In particular, each year, the director manages Hofstra Law’s participation in the New York University Public Interest Legal Career Fair, through which over 250 employers meet with students both to conduct interviews and informal informational conversations.
Additionally, the director provides extensive support to students seeking judicial internships and clerkships.
Special Public Service Career Events
Each year, Hofstra Law organizes various public service career events, including an “Insider’s Guide to the Interviewing and Hiring Process for District Attorneys’ Offices,” preparation for interviews with public defender offices, a panel on judicial clerkships, and various other events with public service employers.

Public Sector On-Campus Interviews
Career Services also offers public sector employers the opportunity to recruit students for their summer programs and for post-graduate employment.