With more than 40 organizations, there is something for everyone at Hofstra Law! Student Organizations are open to all Hofstra Law students.
Asian-Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA)
APALSA offers the opportunity for Asian law students to discuss issues relevant to the Asian community. Its goals include increasing the enrollment of Asian students at Hofstra Law and encouraging greater awareness of the political, social and legal concerns affecting Asians within the legal community.
APALSA also works in conjunction with other organizations to further goals beneficial to all minority groups in the legal profession.
Email: apalsa@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Dean Ku
President: Norman Chuk
Vice President: Angela Qu
Treasurer: Benjamin Morawek
Secretary David Qiu
Black Law Students Association (BLSA)
The mission of the BLSA is to utilize the collective resources of chapter members to promote the educational, professional, political and social needs and goals of black law students; foster and encourage professional competence; and influence the legal community by bringing about meaningful legal and political change that addresses the black community.
The BLSA serves to help ease the transition of first-year law students into the law school process.
The BLSA is open to any Hofstra Law student regardless of race or color.
Email: hofstra@nblsa.org
Advisor: Judge Fisher
Advisor: Prof. Folami
Co-President: Danae Henry
Co-President: Isaiah Harris
Vice-President: Bradford Richardson
Secretary: Ivie Egharevba
Treasurer: Isabella Schaetzle
Historian: Naomi Russell
Attorney General: Veronica Harris
Academic Chair: Alex Harris
Membership Chair: Anthony Simon
Business Law Society
Advisor: TBA
President: Nurie Metodieva
VP: Stephanie Okine
Secretary: Andrea Ercolino
Treasurer: Sabrina Pirzada
Membership Development Officer: Andrea Ercolino
Center of the Aisle
Advisor: Prof. Manta
President: Michael Krohnengold
Vice President: Joshua Albeg
Treasurer: Noah Wilpon
Secretary: Julia DeFazio
Events Chair: Aanya Desai
Operatons Chair: Amelia Chiappetta
Chabad at Hofstra Law
Advisor: Prof. Bush
President: Leon Adler
Vice President: Alex Becker
Secretary: Leora Gulkarov
Treasurer: Abraham Kohn
Outreach Chair: Yitzchak Shalomchaim
Christian Legal Society
The CLS is a membership organization of Christian attorneys, judges, paralegals, law students and other legal professionals dedicated to serving Jesus Christ through the practice of law, defense of religious freedom and provision of legal aid to the needy. We invite you to join our nationwide Christian legal community. Our values, visions and goals include facilitating opportunities for believers within the Law School to connect with one another, providing outreach during times of discouragement/stress to provide encouragement, facilitating opportunity for connection with other religions and encouraging one another and the greater Hofstra Law community.
Advisor: Prof. Colombo
President: Alexandra DeGaray
VP: Abigail Farias
Secretary: Sneha Sajan
Treasurer: Liz Banchitta
Construction Law Association
Advisor: Prof. Greenwood
President: Alberto Rotondi
Vice President, External: John Lewandowski
Vice President, Internal: Maria Pesiri
Treasurer: Leora Gulkarov
Event Coordinator/Hospitality: Sam Ohebshalom
Criminal Justice Society
Advisor: TBA
President: MaYa Staton
VP: Bradford Richardson
Secretary: Hannah Gates
Treasurer: Christina DeMieri
Social Media/Events Coordinator: Dan Ott
Cryptocurrency and Block Chain Law Society
Advisor: Prof. Colesanti
President: Andrew Mirovich
Vice President: TBA
Treasurer/Social Media: David Smolowitz
Secretary: TBA
Outreach Coordinator: TBA
Event Coordinator: TBA
Energy and Environmental Law Society
The Energy and Environmental Law Society is the locus for students preparing for a career in energy and environmental law. It sponsors energy and environmentally oriented programs both on and off campus.
The objectives of the EELS are to foster an understanding of energy and environmental legal and policy issues and educate students about how they can have an impact.
The organization promotes networking among students, alumni and professionals through events and employment opportunities.
Advisor: Prof. Hickey
President: Joseph Kovar
VP: Alexandra Degaray
Treasurer: Shuriz Hishmeh
Secretary: Cynthia Madrid
Social Media Coordinator: Arianna Tormey
2L Senator: TBA
Family Law Society
Advisor: Prof. Schepard
President: Roshelle Firdman
Vice President: Rebecca Sloan
Treasurer: Akyza Anderson
Secretary: Lauren Karas
Federalist Society
The Federalist Society is a nonpartisan conservative/libertarian organization dedicated to freedom, federalism and judicial restraint. The Federalist Society seeks to educate the legal community through its programs and publications about how limited constitutional government based on the rule of law can have a positive effect on law and public policy.
Advisor: Dean Ku
President: Sarah Bogen
Vice President: Ava Anacreonte
Treasurer: Elizabeth Banchitta
Secretary: Howard Svensson
PR Chair: TBA
1L Liaison: TBA
First Generation Law Students Association
Advisor: Prof. Manta
Co President: Jackalyn Gonzalez
Co President: Ibti Rahman
Vice-President: Sneha Sajan
Treasurer: Elizabeth Mauter
Secretary: Brooke Christman
Health Law Society
Advisor: Prof. Dolgin
President: Mikayla Kolahifar
VP: Joshua Joseph
Treasurer: Kayla Homapour
Secretary: Evangelos Georgakopoulos
Social Media & Outreach Coordinator: Jenna Panaro
Hellenic Lawyers Society
Advisor: John Tsiforas
President: Nicoletta Gasparis
VP: Evangelos Georgakopoulos
Secretary: Olga Gotsis
Treasurer: Rita Zbravos
Social Media Manager: Angelique Bouzalakos
Hofstra Hillel JD (Jewish Law Students Association)
The mission of Hillel JD: The Jewish Law Students Association is to enrich the lives of Jewish students so that they may enrich the Jewish people and the world. This is accomplished by working with faculty, staff, and fellow students to encourage friendship and culture among our members, as well as foster a greater understanding of the law and legal institutions. Additionally, Hillel JD sponsors lectures, group discussions, social events, and holiday-related programs. Hillel JD is a program of Hofstra University Hillel.
Advisor: Prof. Bush
President: Kayla Homapour
VP: Daniel Salim
Secretary: Sarah Kopyto
Treasurer: Sarah Rahmani
Social Media Director: TBA
1L Rep: TBA
2L Rep: TBA
3L Rep: TBA
Hofstra Constitutional Law Society
Advisor: Dean Ku
President: Daniel Parmet
Vice President: Kevin McGarvey
Treasurer: Christopher Muscarnera
Secretary: Gianna Luisa
Events Coordinator: Matt Culkin
Social Media Director: Richard Pleasants
Hofstra Fashion Law Society
Advisor: Prof. Manta
President: Sneha Sajan
Vice President: TBA
Treasurer: Isabella Licata
Secretary: Simrah Malik
Public Relations: Olga Gotsis
Hofstra Intellectual Property Association (HIPLA)
The Hofstra Intellectual Property Law Association is an organization dedicated to promoting and encouraging a better comprehension of the creation and utilization of intellectual property among the students, faculty and staff of Hofstra Law.
Advisor: Prof. Manta
President: Paul Reid
VP: Kate Dargan
Secretary: Isabella Licata
Treasurer: Christine Coleman
Social Media Chair: Stephanie Garcia Diaz
Hofstra Law Animal Legal Defense Fund
Advisor: Prof. Sample
President: Jacqueline Malfi
Vice President: Alexa Paturzo
Treasurer: Kayla Homapour
Secretary: Naorin Akter
Social Media Coordinator: Sammi Casamassino
Hofstra Law Disability, Rights, and Community (HLDRC)
Advisor: Prof. Gundlach
President: Baylie Greenberg
Vice President: Shaun Sklar
Secretary: Emma Richter
Treasurer: Kiera O'Sullivan
Hofstra Law Women's Society
The Hofstra Law Women's Society is an organization dedicated to empowering women. While this group caters to helping 1L women adjust to the law school experience, it is open to women attending Hofstra Law of all ages and class levels.
Among its many activities, this group holds meetings, does charity events and fundraisers, holds networking events and has social events for both its members and students at Hofstra Law.
Advisor: TBA
President: Julia Del Borrello
VP: Gabby Brailovskiy
Secretary: Taylor Carney
Treasurer: Justine McAuliffe
Social Media Director: Sneha Sajan
Advisor: Prof. Yaroshefsky
President: Claire Campuzano
Vice President: Isabella Gurello
Treasurer: Simrah Malik
Secretary: Juliana Gonzalez
Social Media Chair: Mariana Pontes
Immigration Law Society
The Immigration Law Society facilitates the outreach and education of the Hofstra Law School community in immigration, migration and employment migration laws and practices. The ILS fosters the involvement in pro bono activities on behalf of the immigrant community. The ILS enhances the Hofstra Law community’s understanding of Comprehensive Immigration Reform. It promotes networking of Hofstra students among alumni, practitioners and politicians that deal with immigration law. The ILS assists and introduces Hofstra Law students to immigration law through engagement among experts, current practitioners and members of the international law community that deal with immigration law.
We are a professional organization seeking to pique interest in immigration law, assist students interested in careers in immigration law in expanding their skills, and provide networking opportunities by building connections with immigration attorneys in the area. We aim to do this by providing an open forum on recent immigration laws both in person during meetings and through constant Facebook discussion, as well as hosting a career panel in the fall about various jobs in immigration law. We also seek to inspire interest in immigration by arranging educational field trips to historical places which have a strong backbone immigration.
Advisor: Prof. Wren
Co-President: Jackalyn Gonzalez
Co-President: Diego Saenz
VP: Jessyca Cabral
Treasurer: Jessica Sperling
Secretary: Abigal Farias
Social Media Chair: Niaz Najafi
International Law Society
The International Law Society aims to educate students about different aspects of international law. It strives to create networking opportunities and a chance for students to get actively involved, experience what jobs in the field have to offer and get a foundation on which to build a career.
Advisor: Dean Ku
President: Ally DeGaray
Vice President: Julia Del Borrello
Treasurer: Thomas Resnick
Secretary: Gabriel Passer-Muslin
Communications: Andrew Patane
Irish Law Society
Advisor: Prof. McElroy
President: Matthew Culkin
Vice President: Nicholas Haselton
Treasurer: Kevin McGarvey
Secretary: Arianna Tormey
Historian: Jack Slater
Italian American Law Students Association
First, the CLA focuses efforts on building strong affiliations with established Columbian lawyers associations throughout the Greater New York City metro area, which presents networking and scholarship opportunities to members who may not currently be affiliated with, or represented by, existing student organizations.
Second, the CLA hopes to offer benefits to students borne from the affiliation with established associations in the form of dinners and events funded by these associations, offer workshops and job opportunities with Italian-American members of the bar, and reach a new demographic to spur student involvement in learning opportunities already existing at the Law School.
Advisor: Prof. Colombo
President: Paul Reid
VP: John Ricupero
Treasurer: Jenna Panaro
Secretary: Dean Musto
Alumni/Events: Ava Anacreonte
CLA Coordinator: Victoria Monaco
Latino/a American Law Students Association (LALSA)
The Latino/a American Law Student Association is a support network founded by Justice Sallie Manzanet-Daniels ’88 more than 20 years ago for the purpose of creating a professional legal network for the Latino community. In addition, LALSA provides a voice to a typically underrepresented community in the student body.
Advisor: TBA
President: Elizabeth Mauter
VP: Juliana Gonzalez
Treasurer: Oscar Loja-Bermeo
Secretary: Stephanie Garcia Diaz
LIHBA Representative: Jackalyn Gonzalez
LIHBA Representative: Gisselle Rodas
MetroLALSA Representative: Alexandra Bernal
MetroLALSA Representative: Oscar Loja-Bermeo
Law Innovation and Technology Society (LITS)
Advisor: John Tsiforas
President: Juliet Ramdass
Vice President: Phil Coatl
Secretary: Justin Knight
Treasurer: Jalen Coleman
Social Media Coordinator: Najelie Smith Ortiz
Muslim Law Student Association
Advisors: Prof. Folami and Prof. Wren
President: Ibtidanoor Rahman
Vice President: Serene Hozien
Treasurer: Umme Rahman
Secretary: Mariam Alqifi
Name Image Likeness (NIL)
Advisor: TBA
Co Presidents: Victoria Vitale , Peter Galgano
Co-VPs: David Moyett , Shon Kehati
Treasurer: Ryan George
Social Media & Event Planning Coordinator: Madelyn Feyko
Communications Officer: Andrea Ercolino
OUTLaw is an organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex law students, as well as their allies. Our mission is to provide a unified voice for the LGBTQI community and inspire collective action.
By promoting visibility and awareness of LGBTQI issues, OUTLaw provides a safe space to address the legal, social and political issues impacting LGBTQI and other marginalized peoples.
Through collaborative initiatives, we seek to enhance the discourse among the student body, administration, faculty and the surrounding communities.
OUTLaw stands for social justice and equality across the boundaries of gender, race, class and ability status.
Advisor: Prof. Wren
President: Michael Russo
Vice President: Elysse Anderson
Treasurer: Rob Romano
Secretary: TBA
Older/ Wiser Law Students (OWLS)
Advisor: TBA
President: Caitlin Masline
Vice President, Internal: Winston Seurattan
Vice President, External: Robert Calvin
Vice President, External: Robert Paul
Secretary: Bennett Forrest
Secretary: Simrah Malik
Treasurer: Erin Stavish
Public Relations Chair: Rachel Midey
Phi Alpha Delta (PAD)
Phi Alpha Delta Law Fraternity, International is a professional law fraternity advancing integrity, compassion and courage through service to the student, the school, the profession and the community.
Advisor: Prof. Ostrow
Co President: Jessica Sperling
Co President: Joey Kovar
Vice President: Isabella Licata
Treasurer: Stephanie Garcia-Diaz
Secretary: Naomi Russell
Public Justice Foundation (PJF)
Hofstra Law’s Public Justice Foundation helps to ensure that quality legal services are provided to those who would otherwise be marginalized or forgotten in justice system.
This is achieved through Public Interest Law Fellowships, which are awarded to students who devote their summers to working in an area of public interest law, such as Legal Aid, the district attorney’s office, Child Services, the Environmental Protection Agency and the United Nations, among others.
Advisor: Office of Student Affairs
President: Karl Armbrust
VP: Sydney Albert
Director of Outreach: Emma Richter
Secretary: Dan Espineira
Treasurer: Caitlin McDonough
Historian: Robert Paul
Real Estate Law Association
The Real Estate Law Association’s mission is to educate students on all aspects of real estate and property law. The organization will help students interested in real estate law to network with legal professionals in this field. The organization will also provide networking opportunities between students who have similar interests.
We will accomplish these goals by hosting professional networking events, educational meetings and also providing speaker events that will educate and inform students on all aspects of real estate and property law.
The Real Estate Law Association focuses on these topics: Real Estate Transactions, Real Estate Negotiations, Landlord/Tenant, Real Estate Litigation, Zoning, Construction, and Estate Planning.
Advisor: Prof. Ostrow
President: Abraham Kohn
VP: Brooke Modica
Treasurer: Shaun Sklar
Secretary: Sammi Casamassino
Social Media Coordinator: Victoria Monaco
On Campus Events Cooridinator: Nicole Brotter
2L Representitive: Samuel Ohebshalom
3L Representitive: Nicholas Rigole
South Asian Law Students Association (SALSA)
SALSA has been founded with the goal of helping to represent the expanding South Asian population that is beginning to make a greater impact on the legal community at Hofstra Law, in New York and across the nation.
As a first-year law student in this organization, you will have the opportunity to make an immediate impact on the course that this organization takes, helping it to grow in prominence within the Hofstra Law community and allowing it to flourish alongside other South Asian law school organizations throughout the tri-state area and the rest of the country.
Advisor: Prof. Gundlach
President: Simrah Malik
Vice President: Aaliyah Yunus
Treasurer: Juliet Ramdass
Social Media Coordinator: Sabrina Pirzada
Sports and Entertainment Law Society (SELS)
The mission of SELS is to introduce students to the field of law within both the entertainment and sports industries and provide guidance in pursuing careers in these areas.
We seek to afford students the opportunity to meet and interview with several attorneys within the industries they are most interested in.
SELS will host several events in which the proceeds will be given to a charitable organization, which will also allow us to help make Hofstra Law students and alumni well known within the legal community.
Advisor: Prof. Sample
President: Madelyn Feyko
VP of Sports: Tylar Telesfort
VP of Entertainment: Christine Coleman
Treasurer: David Moyett
Social Media Josie Thode
Student Bar Association
Office: Room 029P
Advisor: Student Affairs
President: Jessica Kohn
VP: Lauren Baffo
Treasurer: Brody Paola
Secretary: Julia DeFazio
ABA Rep: Arianna Tormey
3L Senators: Stephanie Delandro, Amelia Chiappetta, Nicoletta Gasparis
2L Senators: Max McNaughton, Benjamin Harooni, Jessica Laguerre
1L Senator, Section A: TBA
1L Senator, Section B: TBA
1L Senator, Section C: TBA
Student Division of the Federal Bar Association
Advisor: Prof. Gundlach
President: Josie Thode
VP: Madison Corso
Secretary: Gianna Luisa
Treasurer: Kerry Thomas
Tax Law Society
The Tax Law Society enables future attorneys who are interested in financially related legal fields to network with current professionals, as well as one another, in order to gain insight and promote career development.
The Tax Law Society accomplishes this through professional mixers where students can meet future employers.
Group meetings also allow students to share experiences and advice with one another.
Additionally, the Tax Law Society assists the community through such initiatives as the IRS-sponsored VITA (Volunteer Income Tax Association) program, where students help prepare tax returns for low-income individuals in a pro bono capacity.
Advisor: Prof. Galler
VITA Advisor: Prof. Galler & Luciana DeCarlo
President: Oscar Loja-Bermeo
VP: Gisselle Rodas
Treasurer: Juliana Gonzalez
Secretary: Rona Racareanu
Director of VITA: TBA
Trusts & Estates Law Society
Advisor: Prof. Folami
President: Sarah Bogen
VP: Brooke Christman
Secretary: Callie Costanza
Treasurer: Morgan Clarke
Veterans Law Student Association
The Veterans Law Student Association is an inclusive organization for service members and students, families, friends, faculty and associates interested in issues affecting veterans.
The VLSA is committed to providing general fellowship, professional and academic mentorship and veterans advocacy.
The VLSA hosts a number of JAG and career panels, as well as professional networking events, to assist students with professional development.
VLSA members also collaborate with local legal professionals, firms, judges and the Nassau County Bar Association to broaden Hofstra Law’s Veterans Advocacy Program (VAP).
Through VAP, law students participate as mentors for veteran-defendants who are charged with nonviolent misdemeanor crimes at the Nassau County Veterans Treatment Court.
VAP also offers students opportunities to assist veterans, under the supervision of other attorneys, through the pro bono Veterans Legal Assistance Project (VLAP). VLAP focuses on assisting veterans initiate VA claims and improving overall access to free civil legal services to veterans in Nassau County.
Room 038U
Advisor: Prof. Greer
VLAP Advisor: Prof. Kubek & Luciana DeCarlo
President: Kraig Puccia
Vice President: Giro Maccheroni
Treasurer: Thomas Lang
Secretary: Allan Gremli
Intake Coordinator: Erin Stavish
Marketing & Outreach Coordinator: Ben Underwood
Women of Color Collective (WoCC)
Advisor: Prof. Franzella
Co-President: Simrah Malik
Co-President: Isabella Schaetzle
Vice President: Iman Elshazly
Secretary: Juliana Gonzalez
Treasurer: Elizabeth Mauter
Social Media Chair: Lisann Ricketts
Community Outreach Chair: Pacika Guerra
The ACTEC Law Journal is peer-reviewed and is published under the auspices of the American College of Trust and Estate Counsel.
Roosevelt 023
Email: ACTEC @hofstra.edu
Advisor: Prof. Gans
(516) 463-6048
Editor in Chief: Gisselle Rodas
Managing Editor of Staff: Thomas Lang
Managing Editor of Articles: Brooke Modica
Business Editor: Noah Wilpon
Family Court Review (FCR)
Family Court Review (FCR) is a peer-reviewed, quarterly journal published under the auspices of the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts (AFCC). Family Court Review is an international, interdisciplinary family law journal -- a forum for the exchange of ideas, programs, research, legislation, case law and reforms. The journal's editorial staff is based at the Law School. Its fundamental premise is that productive discussion of family law is facilitated by a dialogue between the judiciary, lawyers, mediators, mental health and social services communities. AFCC is an interdisciplinary, international association of judges, counselors, evaluators, mediators, attorneys and others concerned with the constructive resolution of family conflict.
Roosevelt 024
Email: FCR@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Prof. Cannon
(516) 463-5926
Managing Editor: Kraig Puccia
Managing Ed. Notes/Comm: Stephanie Delandro
Managing Ed. Of Articles: Alexa Sabatini
Business Administrator: Cynthia Madrid
Hofstra Labor & Employment Law Journal (HLELJ)
The HLELJ provides students with an interest in labor and employment law the opportunity to become more involved in and learn more about the fields of labor and employment law.
Roosevelt 017
Email: laborlaw@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Prof. Fernbach
(516) 463-6317
Editor in Chief: Peter Galgano
Managing Editor of Articles: Sydney Albert
Managing Editor of Staff: Joseph Diez
Business Administrator & Technology Editor: Michael Zanni
Alumni Affairs Coordinator: Kristen Julich
Hofstra Law Review (HLR)
Roosevelt 020
Email: lawrev@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Prof. Freedman
(516) 463-5910
Editor in Chief: Philip Daleo
Managing Editor of Staff: Connor Cruz
Managing Editor of Articles: Domenico Pensa III
Business Editor: Lauren Baffo
Journal of International Business and Law (JIBL)
Roosevelt 025
Email: jibl@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Dean Ku
(516) 463-6188
Editor in Chief: Nick Fiorino
Managing Editor of Staff: Gabriella Oliveira
Managing Editor of Articles: Eden Kataev
Sr. Research Editor: Juliana Gonzalez
Senior Productions Editor: Ryan Tinter
Business & Alumni Affairs Editor: Nicholas Warshaw
Advocacy Organizations
Dispute Resolution Society (DRS)
The Hofstra Law Dispute Resolution Society is an organization which aims to advance students’ ability to negotiate, arbitrate and mediate through seminars and competition. With the DRS, students can learn essential skills that will most certainly be utilized when they enter the workforce. Because the DRS has little to do with court proceedings, it allows law students to work actively with the opposing party to come to an equitable solution. It drives students to use their ingenuity to resolve problems in unique, creative and original fashion. The DRS not only teaches students critical lawyering skills, but it also enhances the value of their legal education.
Roosevelt 011
Advisor: Prof. Barron
External Coaches: Christine Hughes , Ngozi Asonye , Lucas Kessler
President: Aanya Desai
VP: Justin Knight
Director of Internal Competitions: Winston Seurattan
Director of External Competitions: Michael Krohnengold
Director of Training: Jay Martin
Treasurer: Jaime Morales
Director of Hosted Competitions: Nurie Metodieva
Director of Social Media & Marketing: Amelia Chiappetta
Business Administrator: Jaime Morales
Hofstra Trial Advocacy Association (HTAA)
The Hofstra Trial Advocacy Association (HTAA) is a student-run organization devoted to the development of students’ trial advocacy skills. Such skills include conducting direct and cross examinations of witnesses, as well as performing opening statements and closing arguments in front of a jury. HTAA members compete and represent Hofstra Law at mock trial competitions.
HTAA holds an intramural trial advocacy competition each semester, which is open to all members of the Hofstra Law community. These mock trial competitions are judged by HTAA executive board members and faculty advisors. Guest judges comprising sitting judges and practicing attorneys with trial experience judge the final rounds.
To become a member of HTAA, students must compete in an intramural competition and demonstrate impressive skills in the art of trial advocacy. The most impressive competitors are invited to join the organization each semester.
HTAA members may then try out for interscholastic competitions. Each team is coached by practicing attorneys, most of whom are Hofstra Law alumni. The competitors may earn course credit through participation on one of these interscholastic mock trial teams.
Roosevelt 011
Advisor: Prof. Barron
External Coach: Jared Rosenblatt
President: Brian O'Regan
Co-VP's: Isaiah Harris
Taylor Mavica
Treasurer: Caitlin McDonough
Secretary: Bianca Valenti
Competition Managers: Briana MacLaren
Competition Managers: Marisa Marzolini
Fact Pattern Writer: Nicholas Constantinidis
Fact Pattern Writer: Hannah Gates
Moot Court Board
The Moot Court Board is a student-run organization that is dedicated to the development of students’ written and oral appellate advocacy skills.
The board administers two intramural competitions each year, through which members of the board are selected. The fall semester competition is open to upper-class students and transfer students; the spring semester competition is open to first-year students.
Board members help prepare competitors for oral argument and conduct practice rounds leading up to the competition; board members also serve as judges for the preliminary rounds of the competitions. The final round of each competition is adjudicated by a panel of distinguished judges and appellate practitioners.
The board also plays an important part in Hofstra Law’s interscholastic moot court competition program. The board helps organize tryouts each fall for the selection of students to represent Hofstra Law in regional, national and international moot court competitions against other law schools.
Board members also assist in the faculty-taught Advanced Appellate Skills seminar, which is designed exclusively for students who are selected from those tryouts — largely from board membership — to represent Hofstra Law in interscholastic competitions.
Roosevelt 011 Email: mootcourt@hofstra.edu
Advisor: Prof. Barron
External Coach: Adam Kahn & Shelia Ballato
President: Christina Portuallo
VP: Emma Kiernan
Managing Editor: Andrew Mirovich
Director of Competitions: Alaina Ciccone
Director of Staff Affairs: Stephanie Delandro
Director of Business Affairs: Michael Roller
Director of Alumni Affairs: Daniel Shafran
Director of Social Media & Technology: Alexa Cirri
Pro-Bono Groups
Courtroom Advocates Project (CAP)
CAP’s mission is to advocate for victims of domestic violence in New York family courts while also educating the Hofstra Law community on issues of domestic violence.
Advisor: Luciana DeCarlo
Faculty Advisor: TBA
Senior Coordinator: Alexis Parkes
Junior Coordinator: Ashley Hall
Unemployment Action Center (UAC)
The Unemployment Action Center helps safeguard the equitable administration of labor law by providing representation and guidance through the unemployment insurance appeals process.
Advisor: Luciana DeCarlo
Faculty Advisor: Prof. Fernbach
President: Simrah Malik
Vice President: Umme-Kulsum Rahman
Treasurer: Robert Calvin
Secretary: Aaliyah Yunus
Public Relations Manager: Leora Gulkarov