Daniel J. H. Greenwood, Professor of Law, came to Hofstra from the S.J. Quinney College of Law at the University of Utah, where he held the position of S.J. Quinney Professor of Law. He received his A.B. magna cum laude from Harvard College and pursued graduate studies in political science at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem for two years. He is a graduate of Yale Law School, where he was an editor of the Yale Law Journal. After graduating, Daniel Greenwood clerked for U.S. District Court Judge Richard Owen in New York and then joined the litigation section of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton in New York City.
Professor Greenwood's research interests lie in the structure and rights of business organizations and other artificial and natural groups; the intersection of democratic theory and corporate law; and problems of group rights in an individualist democracy. He has published numerous law review articles, book chapters and popular opinion pieces on corporate law, corporate speech rights, and the role of corporations in politics, as well as on minority religious rights and related topics. His pro bono and litigation work has included authoring a Supreme Court brief in the Vermont campaign reform case.
Professor Greenwood currently teaches courses in corporate finance, business organizations and torts. He has also taught constitutional law II (civil and political rights), commercial law, not-for-profit organizations, comparative law, corporate income tax, and seminars on advanced corporate law, Jewish law, groups and the law, and the Federalist Papers.
Curriculum Vitae
The Dividend Problem: Are Shareholders Entitled to the Residual, or Faith Based Investing: Why Economics Can't Explain Shareholder Returns, 32 Journal of Corporation Law 103-159 (2006). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
The Mysterious Race to the Top/Bottom, 23 Yale Law and Policy Review 381-454 (2005). Printable(pdf/adobe) version.
Introduction to the Metaphors of Corporate Law, 4 Seattle Journal for Social Justice 273-295 (2005) (invited essay, Symposium Issue-New Strategies for Justice Conference: Linking Corporate Law with Progressive Social Movements, sponsored by the Equal Justice Society, the Center on Corporations, Law & Society at Seattle University School of Law and the UCLA School of Law Critical Race Studies Concentration); reprinted in Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India (ICFAI) Journal for Corporate and Securities Law (Hyderabad, India) (forthcoming 2006). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Markets & Democracy: The Illegitimacy of Corporate Law, 74 University of Missouri-Kansas City Law Review 41-105 (2005). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Discussing Corporate Misbehavior: The Conflicting Norms of Market, Agency, Profit and Loyalty, 70 Brooklyn Law Review 1213-1237 (2005) (invited essay, Symposium Issue-Brooklyn Law School/Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Conference on Corporate Misbehavior by Elite Decision-Makers: Perspectives from Law and Social Psychology). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Enronitis: Why Good Corporations Go Bad, 2004 Columbia Business Law Review 773-848 (2004). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Gendered Workers/Market Equality, 12 Texas Journal of Women and the Law 323-343 (2003) (invited essay, Subversive Legacies Symposium Issue). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Restorative Justice & The Jewish Question, 2003 Utah Law Review 533-562 (2003) (invited essay, Utah Restorative Justice Conference). Printable (adobe/pdf) version.
Delaware and Democracy: The Puzzle of Corporate Law (shorter version available on SSRN as George Washington University Law School Working Paper #55) (2002).
Beyond the Counter-Majoritarian Difficulty: Judicial Decision-Making in a Polynomic World, 53 Rutgers Law Review 781-864 (2001). Printable (adobe/pdf) version.
First Amendment Imperialism (a response to Michael Walzer's Leary Lecture), 1999 Utah Law Review 659-672 (1999). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Essential Speech: Why Corporate Speech Is Not Free, 83 Iowa Law Review 995-1070 (1998). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Akhnai: Legal Responsibility in the World of the Silent God, 1997 Utah Law Review 309-358 (1997 Symposium Issue -- New Approaches to Comparative Law). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Fictional Shareholders: 'For Whom is the Corporation Managed,' Revisited, 69 Southern California Law Review 1021-1104 (1996). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Beyond Dworkin's Dominions: Investments, Memberships, The Tree of Life and the Abortion Question (an Abortion Midrash), 72 Texas Law Review 559-630 (1994). Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Book Chapters
Utah's Constitution: Distinctively Undistinctive (with Chief Justice Christine Durham and Kathy Wyer), in George E. Connor & Christopher W. Hammons (eds.), The Constitutionalism of American States (University of Missouri Press, forthcoming 2006).
Team Spirit: Doing Bad Things in the Cause of Good , in William A. Myers (ed.), The Ranges of Evil: Multidisciplinary Studies in Human Wickedness (5-16) Printable (pdf/adobe) version.
Monumental Fragility, in Edwin Firmage (ed.), A Gift To Be Simple (2001).
Excerpt (12 page) from Fictional Shareholders as edited by and reprinted in Thomas W. Joo (ed.), Corporate Governance: Law Theory and Policy (Carolina Academic Press 2004).
Book Reviews and Encyclopedia Entry
Free Speech in Private Corporations, in Paul Finkelman ( ed.), The Encyclopedia of American Civil Liberties (Routledge 2006).
Book Review: Corporate Governance in Government Corporations by Michael J. Whincop, 15 Law & Politics Book Review 518-522 (2005).
Book Review: Corporate Irresponsibility by Lawrence Mitchell, 12 Law & Politics Book Review 201-204 (2002).
Book Review: Corporate Power in Civil Society, an Application of Societal Constitutionalism by David Sciulli, 11 Law & Politics Book Review 249-254 (2001); translated and reprinted in Journal of Legal and Economic Studies (Beijing, China) (2005); Reply by Reviewer to Author's Response, 11 Law & Politics Book Review 302-304 (2001).
Supreme Court Amicus Brief
Brief Amicus Curiae of ReclaimDemocracy.org in Randall v. Sorrell, U.S. Supreme Court Docket #04-1528, February 8, 2006.
Lectures, Opinion, Letters, BLOGgarts, Non-Academic and other short pieces
(a random selection)
Liberty is for Citizens, not Dollars: Randall v. Sorrell got it wrong, Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday July 2, 2006.
If Dividends Are Tips, Brooklyn Law School, March 1, 2006.
Are Shareholders Entitled to the Residual?, Hofstra University School of Law, February 8, 2006.
Corporate law reform proposals (with Kent Greenfield): Position Paper/Talking Points and Proposed Statutory Text, December 20, 2005.
Proposed Religious Holiday and Diversity Protection Policy -- Salt Lake City School District, December 15, 2005.
No Freedom in this Tower (rebuilding the World Trade Center), New York Times, July 1, 2005.
Translation of Mordechai Katznelson, The Jews in the Villages, from the Bobruisk Memorial Book, Y.Slutski, ed. (1967), June 17, 2005.
The History of Constitutional Law in One Hour, West High School, April 27, 2005.
The Stubborn and Rebellious Son (discussion materials), Cong. Kol Ami, SLC, March 14, 2005.
The Semi-Sovereign Corporation, Brooklyn Law School International Economic Law Forum, March 3, 2005.
Torts Thoughts, Dec 2004.
Amendment 3: Putting Religious Discrimination in the Utah Constitution, Oct 2004.
Amendment 3: Radical and Wrong (the Utah anti-marriage amendment), Deseret News, SLC, Sunday October 10, 2004.
Internet Privacy, Academic Freedom & Abu Ghraib, Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday September 26, 2004.
Preservation of Academic Freedom Resolution, adopted by Faculty Senate, August 30, 2004.
Limiting Marriage by Constitutional Amendment, Salt Lake Tribune, July 6, 2004.
Don't Amend: The Proposed Utah Marriage Amendment, July 1, 2004.
Enronitis, the Failure of Shareholder Centeredness, Teams and the Corporation as Polis, Law & Society Association, May 29, 2004.
The High Road to Jobs: Education, May 6, 2004.
Recreational Network, Salt Lake Tribune, May 5, 2004.
Universalism vs. Particularism and the problem of membership: Giving Torah at Sinai, Cong. Kol Ami, Erev Shavuot, April 25, 2004.
The Metaphors of Corporate Law, University of Denver College of Law, April 20, 2004.
Justice, Morality, the American Way and Gay Marriage, Salt Lake Tribune, Sunday March 21, 2004.
Fictional Shareholders and Enronitis (invited essay presented at Cornell Corporate Citizens in Corporate Cultures: Restructuring and Reform Conference), Sept 13, 2002.
Living Rooms and Marketplaces: BFOQs and Discrimination Norms, Religionlaw.
The Oven of Akhnai, J. Reuben Clark Law Society.
Law & Justice in the World of the Silent God: The Oven of Achnai, Episcopal Church of St. Paul.
Parashat Hukat (Numbers 19) I: The Mystery of the Red Heifer, or, The Necessity of Galut (exile), Cong. Kol Ami.
Parashat Hukat (Numbers 19) II: Miriam's Death and Moses' Sin, Cong. Kol Ami.
The Tree of Life: An Abortion Midrash (1994).
Why There Will Never Be School Prayer (and why it might not be so bad if there were), New York Newsday; Salt Lake Tribune.
Freedom of Religion in Utah, Salt Lake Tribune.
Why The States?, New York Newsday.
Law Matters: A Critique of the Coase Theorem.
Desires and Politics (undergraduate thesis).