Hofstra Law Wellness Program
Supporting the overall mental health and well-being of our future attorneys.

Hofstra Law Wellness
The Maurice A. Deane School of Law is committed to improving and supporting the overall mental health and well-being of our students by fostering multi-departmental collaborations, cross-institutional, and strategic partnerships/alliances within the law school, the University, and the legal mental health and wellness community at large. Pilot initiatives have been designed to align with the American Bar Association (ABA) National Well-Being Task Force and accreditation recommendations for law schools.

Pilot Initiatives
- Implement mental health, substance use, and suicide prevention awareness campaigns.
- Provide mental health first aid and other trainings for faculty, administrators, staff, and student leaders.
- Develop and implement psychoeducational programs targeted for various phases of the law school experience.
- Establish a behavioral intervention team (BIT) and electronic reporting/tracking system to identify, assess, refer, and monitor students who are at risk and/or are distressed and who need mental health and/or substance use resources and support.
- Enhance the law student peer mentoring program to include mental health and well-being.
- Offer professionally-facilitated support groups exclusively for law students (e.g., anxiety, substance use, etc.).
- Build and maintain a comprehensive website to promote levels of mental health and wellness.
- Foster integration of mental health and well-being topics within the law school curriculum.
- Advance wellness programs and activities to foster healthy habits and cultivate resiliency.
- Create a designated quiet space within the law school building for quiet reflection, mediation, and/or engaging in quiet re-centering activities.
- Cultivate “mental health and the law” learning and community outreach opportunities.
- Perform assessments to identify needs and determine program priorities.
“[L]awyer wellness is not a fad. It’s a movement born out of recognition that too many of our colleagues and their loved ones are suffering. ... We must act. We must start in the law schools.”
— Bob Carlson, President of the American Bar Association, Remarks at the ABA House of Delegates Midyear Meeting (January 28, 2019)
Support Services and Resources
In Case Of Emergency
National Mental Health Crisis Lifeline
Call or text 988
Hofstra Public Safety
Email: publicsafety@hofstra.edu
For emergencies: (516) 463-6789; Information: (516) 463-7878; Other Inquiries: (516) 463-6606
Hofstra Student Counseling Services
Wellness and Campus Living Center, Room 111
Email: scs@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-CARE (2273)
For after-hours crisis, contact Public Safety: (516) 463-6789. In the case of a campus emergency during non-business hours, contact Public Safety or your nearest hospital emergency room.
Hofstra Student Health Services
Wellness and Campus Living Center, Room 151
Email: shs@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-6745
On-Campus Resources and Support
Hofstra Law Academic Success Program
Law School, Room 223
Email: lawacademicsuccess@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-4008
Hofstra Career Closet for Clothes
Wellness and Campus Living Center, Room 146B
Email: careerdesign@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-6060
Hofstra Law Financial Aid
Joan Axinn Hall, Room 109
Email: lawfinaid@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-5916
Hofstra Pride Pantry for Food
Wellness and Campus Living Center, Room 105
Email: pridepantry@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-6913
Hofstra Public Safety
Email: publicsafety@hofstra.edu
For emergencies: (516) 463-6789; Information: (516) 463-7878; Other Inquiries: (516) 463-6606
Hofstra Law Student Affairs
Law School, Room 203
Email: lawstudentaffairs@hofstra.edu
Phone: (516) 463-5771
Mental Health and Substance Use Support for Legal Professionals and Law Students
American Bar Association Mental Health Resources
American Bar Association Commission on Lawyers Assistance Programs
Institute for Well-Being in Law (IWIL)
New York City Bar Association Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP)
New York State Academy of Trial Lawyers
Nassau County Bar Association Lawyers Assistance Program (LAP)
New York State Bar Association Lawyers Assistance Program
Suffolk County Bar Association Lawyer Assistance Foundation (LAF)
Hofstra Law Wellness Program Advisory Council
The Advisory Council, comprised of leaders in mental health and wellbeing, higher education, and the legal profession, provides program and policy guidance and support.
Elizabeth Eckhardt, PhD, LCSW
Director of the Nassau County Bar Association Lawyer Assistance Program (LAP)
Jeffrey Friedman, MNA
Chief Executive Officer of CN Guidance & Counseling Services
Jennifer Gundlach, JD
Emily and Stephen Mendel Distinguished Professorship in Access to Justice/Professor of Law
Paul Meller, PhD
Director of the Psy.D. program in the School-Community psychology program at Hofstra University
Lisa Monticciolo, JD
Dean of Students and Diversity & Inclusion Officer
Holly Seirup, PhD
Professor in the Departments of Counseling & Mental Health Professions and Educational Leadership (former Dean for the School of Health Professions and Human Services/Vice President of Campus Life)
Carolyn Reinach Wolf, JD, MSHSA, MBA (Chair)
Executive Partner of Abrams Fensterman, LLP and Director of the Firm’s Mental Health Law Practice