The competition for a fellowship or scholarship is intense and attracts promising students from around the country.
Fellowships and scholarships are limited in number, and while there are differences in each category, they typically include a summer internship and stipend, and opportunities to interact with leading scholars and practitioners in the respective fields.
First-year fellowships are available once a student is admitted to the Law School. The fellowship selection process occurs prior to the start of the first semester.

Business Law Honors Fellowship
The need for lawyers trained in business law has never been greater. In response to this need, Hofstra Law established the Business Law Honors Fellowship to train and develop leaders in this growing field.

Child and Family Advocacy Fellowship
Hofstra Law established the Child and Family Advocacy Fellowship Program in 2002 to train and develop the next generation of leaders in this field.

Deans' Legal-Tech Fellowship
A new interdisciplinary fellowship for Hofstra law and computer science students to develop artificial intelligence applications that will advance the legal profession.

Dwight L. Greene Memorial Scholarship
The Dwight L. Greene Memorial Scholarship is awarded annually to one student who has demonstrated a commitment to advocacy on behalf of minority groups.

Freedman Social Justice Fellowship
The Freedman Social Justice Fellowship was created to directly involve students in various ethics programs and activities, like the legal ethics conference, at the Law School, under the guidance of a professor with expertise in legal ethics.

Gitenstein Institute Advanced Research Fellowship
The Gitenstein Institute Advanced Research Fellowship is a paid legal research and writing fellowship with a concentration in Health Law. Research fellows are appointed for one academic year to provide scholarly research and writing to support projects of the Institute, seminars, and scholarship.

LGBTQIA+ Rights Fellowship
In 2002, Hofstra University established an unprecedented fellowship program for students engaged in advocacy on behalf of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBTQIA+) community. This program is designed to demonstrate Hofstra’s commitment to equality and support for LGBTQIA+ individuals.

Long Island Immigration Advocacy Fellowship
Created by the Tortora Sillcox Family Foundation in conjunction with Hofstra Law, the Long Island Immigration Advocacy Fellowship purpose is to train the next generation of immigration lawyers on Long Island.

William R. Ginsberg Memorial Fellowship in Environmental Law
The William R. Ginsberg Memorial Fellowship in Environmental Law was established in 2009 through the Estate of Marian O. Naumberg and honors Professor Ginsberg, a pioneer in the field of environmental law who taught at Hofstra Law for 29 years.