Final written examinations are required in all courses in the Law School, except as otherwise provided.
All students are required to be present for final examinations at the time and place indicated on the Exam Schedule.
Students must turn in examination books at the end of the time allowed for answering the examination questions in each course. Each student must then sign out.
Unexcused absence from a final examination results in a failing grade in the course, and the failure is counted in computing the student's grade-point average.
View the Spring 2025 Final Exam Schedule (PDF)
(as of February 21, 2025)
Conduct During Exams
The Code of Academic Conduct and Examination Regulations govern conduct during examinations. The Code also sets forth violations relating to plagiarism and other student behavior. Procedures for resolving disputes and imposing appropriate sanctions in connection with violations are covered by the Code of Academic Conduct.
General Rules Governing the Conduct of Examinations
- Each student is assigned an anonymous grading number for each exam period. Different exam numbers will be assigned for mid-term exams and finals. Students should keep these numbers confidential. Under no circumstances should students reveal their examination numbers to a member of the faculty.
- Students are permitted to have in their possession in the examination room only materials authorized by the instructor. Possession of any other materials relating to the course is not permitted.
- Students must follow the instructions of the proctors.
- There shall be no talking and no sharing of materials during the examination.
- Bathroom passes are available from the proctors. Only one male and one female student are permitted out of the room at a time.
- Failure to stop writing at the conclusion of the examination constitutes a violation of the Code of Academic Conduct. Proctors will take the names of students who fail to stop writing and forward them to the Office of Academic Records for further action.
- After signing out of the examination, students are to exit the room and the immediate area promptly and quietly.
- Students may contact the Office of Student Affairs with any examination-related problems.
Excused Absences from Examinations
If a student is excused by the Dean or his or her delegate from taking a final examination at the scheduled time either in a required or an elective course because of a demonstration of serious illness or other compelling circumstances, the student must take a makeup examination in the course at a time determined by the Office of Academic Records, but not later than four weeks from the last scheduled examination for the semester.
Grades received on makeup examinations are included in the student’s grade-point average.
Extensions and Incompletes
In a paper course or an independent study project, the faculty member may, upon application of a student prior to the due date for the paper, for good cause grant an extension of the due date for a period of time not to exceed six weeks from the end of the examination period, provided that any extension beyond three weeks from the end of the examination period must be in writing, signed by the faculty member, and sent to the Office of Academic Records. The form is available in the Office of Academic Records and online (PDF).
Any further extension beyond six weeks from the end of the examination period may be granted only with the written permission of the Office of Student Affairs and with the consent of the faculty member.
- “I” shall be entered on a record when:
- In a paper course or an independent study project, the student has received an extension of time to submit his or her paper.
- In an examination course, there was an excused absence from the final examination.
- Any “I” so entered shall be removed from the record and:
- In a paper course or independent study project, the actual earned grade shall be substituted only if the paper is submitted prior to the expiration of the granted extension period.
- In an examination course, the actual earned grade shall be substituted only if the makeup examination is taken as scheduled.
- A grade of “AF” shall be entered in all other cases.
- Any “AF” shall be counted as an actual grade for all scholastic standing purposes.
Examination Numbers
Each School of Law student is assigned anonymous grading numbers for examination purposes. Each semester, you will receive an email from the Office of Academic Records notifying you that the examination numbers for the semester are available. All examination numbers (Final Exam, Mid-Term Exam and Quiz) are available online.
In order to access your exam numbers, using the online system, please follow these instructions:
- Log in to the My Hofstra Portal —
- Select the “Hofstra Online” option from the left hand side.
- Select the “Hofstra Online Information Systems” option.
- From the “Main Menu,” select the “Student” option.
- From the “Student” Menu, select the “Student Records” option.
- From the “Student Records” Menu, select the “Academic Records — Check Your Law School Exam Numbers” option.
- Select the term and click "Submit.”
- Your Law School Exam Numbers will appear for the term that you selected.
If you are taking a mid-term exam, you need to use your “Mid-Term Exam” number.
For all of your final exams, you will use your “Final Exam” number.
For the other numbers that are listed (Component One-Component Nine), you will be informed if and when you need to use these numbers.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact the Office of Academic Records at (516) 463-5917, stop by Room 207 of Memorial Hall or send an email to
When you receive the email notification that examination numbers are available, it is advisable that you review the process above to ensure that you will be able to access your exam numbers when needed.
Students should keep all examination numbers confidential.
Examination Regulations
The following are Hofstra Law’s rules governing examinations, including the rescheduling of examinations, accommodations for students with disabilities, the conduct of examinations, and related matters. All students must take examinations at the scheduled time, unless compelling circumstances exist, as defined in this section.
Any student who does not take a final examination as scheduled and who fails to obtain the permission of the Dean or his delegate as set forth in this section shall receive a grade of “F” in the course.
Examinations on Computer
All students are automatically signed up to take their exams on laptops. Students who wish to write their exams must opt out by completing the Computer Opt-Out Form each semester. Students who do not complete the form by the deadline may still write their exams. Requests must be renewed each semester.
In the interest of examination security, the Law School has purchased exam software that prevents access to existing files. All students taking examinations on a computer must download and use this software. Students taking open book examinations who have notes stored on their computers must print out their notes well in advance of the examination.
Note: The Law School does not provide backup computers during examinations.
Note: In the unlikely, but possible, event that a student’s computer crashes during an examination for any reason, and the computer administrators are unable to retrieve all or part of the examination answer, the student, on that same day, will be given extra time (the length of time to be determined by the Dean’s delegate) to write by hand all or part of the examination.
Conflict Policy
Sabbath Observers
Students who wish to begin Friday examinations early in order to observe the Sabbath must complete the Sabbath Exam Accommodations Form (PDF) and submit the form to the Associate Dean for Students. Students are informed of the deadline for such requests by memo and email every semester. Requests must be renewed each semester.
Scheduling Conflicts
Students with exam conflicts are informed of the conflict and their rescheduled exam time(s) via email by the Office of Academic Records. At that time, students may opt out and elect to take their examination(s) on the original exam date(s). Exam conflicts exist only in the following situations:
- Examinations that are scheduled on the same calendar day.
- An evening examination (6 p.m. start time) followed by a morning examination (8:30 a.m. start time) on consecutive calendar days.
The Office of Academic Records determines which examination(s) will be postponed and the date and time that the rescheduled examination will be given. Rescheduled examinations are typically given no more than one week after the regularly scheduled examination.
In the registration materials for each semester, the final exam period dates are indicated. Students should not make any travel plans or personal commitments during the entire final examination period as an examination may need to be rescheduled due to unavoidable circumstances.
Special rules apply to summer school examinations. Those rules are available at the Office of Academic Records.
Justification for Excused Absences
Other than the circumstances indicated elsewhere in this section, a request for an excused absence from a scheduled examination will be granted only if the circumstances indicate that a student’s ability to function effectively in taking the examination as scheduled will be substantially and severely affected due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. These include bona fide medical excuses or a death in the immediate family.
Conflicting social events, familial or business obligations, bar review courses, oversleeping and forgetting an examination date are not sufficient justifications. Tiredness, nervousness or anxiety is not a sufficient justification, except in unusual and extreme circumstances supported by a letter from a physician, psychiatrist or psychologist as indicated below.
All medical excuses must be accompanied by a signed letter from a physician, psychiatrist or psychologist on professional letterhead. The letter must contain a detailed explanation of the medical condition of the student and a statement explaining that, in the physician’s, psychiatrist’s, or psychologist’s opinion, the medical circumstances indicate that the student’s condition cannot be adequately treated in time for the examination and the student’s ability to function effectively in taking the examination as scheduled will be substantially and severely affected.
A request by a student for an excuse from an examination that he or she has already begun will be granted only in extreme circumstances. In the unusual event that an excuse is granted under such circumstances, the rescheduled examination in that course will, if possible, be different from the scheduled examination.
Procedures for Requests for Excused Absences
Procedures for Requests for Excused Absences Prior to the Examination Date
- A request by a student for an excused absence from a final examination as scheduled must be presented to the Office of Student Affairs. Requests must be in writing and signed by the student, and must be made prior to the time the examination is to begin, unless emergency or compelling circumstances make prior notice impossible. In the latter event, the request must be submitted as soon as is reasonably possible.
- Where possible, the Office of Student Affairs will notify the student in writing and prior to the examination date as to the decision on the student’s request.
- The Office of Student Affairs will maintain records of students who have been excused from examinations each semester. The Office of Student Affairs, in determining whether a compelling justification has been demonstrated, may take into consideration whether a student has been excused from examinations in previous semesters.
Procedures for Requests for Excused Absences on the Examination Date
- A request by a student on the examination date for a n excused absence from a final examination that same day must be presented to the Office of Academic Records. Requests must be made in person or by telephone by the student, and must be made as soon as possible, unless emergency or compelling circumstances make prior notice impossible. In the latter event, the request must be submitted as soon as is reasonably possible.
- The designated representative of the Office of Academic Records will submit the request to the Office of Student Affairs, which will follow up with the student. In order for a request to be considered, the student must provide legitimate medical or legal documentation as described above to support the request.
- Upon receipt and pursuant review of the request, the Office of Student Affairs will notify the student in writing as to the decision on the student’s request. If the request is approved, the student will be notified of the date of the makeup examination in writing by the Office of Academic Records.
Makeup Examinations
In the event that a student's request for rescheduling of, or an excused absence from, an examination is granted, the makeup examination shall be given no later than five (5) business days from the last scheduled examination for the semester, except under extraordinary circumstances, in which case the makeup examination will be scheduled no later than four (4) weeks after the last scheduled examination for the semester.
Accommodations for Students With Disabilities
It is the policy of Hofstra Law to provide reasonable accommodations for students with disabilities. Where appropriate, the Law School may provide additional examination time, as well as the use of auxiliary services. These accommodations are arranged on a case-by-case basis by the Associate Dean for Students, in accordance with the Law School’s policy on students with disabilities.
Students who wish to request disability-related accommodations should discuss their requests with the Office of Student Affairs as early as possible.
In order to obtain such accommodations, students must submit the Disability Accommodations Form (PDF), together with the necessary documentation, to the Associate Dean of Students. Students are informed of the deadline for such requests by memo and email every semester.
Students must renew their accommodation requests each semester by submitting the exam accommodation form by the deadline established each semester.